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In the last couple of years the price of 3D Printers has dropped considerably and 3D Printing has become affordable for we mere mortals with models ranging from less than $200, think Walmart to many thousands of dollars. There are a lot of printers available offering various shapes, configurations and options because of this when I got ready to buy a printer I did a lot of research and asked for advice from friends that had printers, consequently I narrowed my list down to two printers that would fulfill my requirements.

Part of learning to program a Microcontroller is understanding the hardware and although it's not nedessary to unserstand all the mechaics of the system it becomes important when you start stressing the controller or approaching the it's limits.

In order to learn the assembler programming language some knowledge must be known about the hardware we are using. In this tutorial we will start with a brief introduction to the inner workings of the AVR micro controller then move on to pure assembler and finally show how to mix 'C' and assembler languages.
There are many ways to drive small current motors, those requiring 500mA or less but the L293H Quadruple Half-H driver is a versatile chip that was designed for use with motors, can very easily be controlled with a micro-controller and can be purchased JameCo Electronics. Using this chip we can drive either 2 DC motors or one Stepper motor and we will learn how to do both in this tutorial. The components needed to complete this exercise are an ATMega328p Micro-controller to interface with and control the L293D device but any controller may be used, the L293D component and one dc motor and/or one stepper motor.

With the release of Raspberry Pi Pcio the foundation has entered into the embedded market. Priced at $4 the Pico was designed with the DIYer in mind and although inexpensive the board packs a lot of functionality in a small pakage.
EventAggregator, a part Microsoft's Prism library provides an event mechanism, that allows the developer to communicate between loosly coupled components in a WPF application. Anyone familiar with the MQQT Subscribe/Publish messaging protocol should find the Prism EventAggregator pattern earier to understand.
I was wanting to insert some text into a file at a certain location in the file without overwriting text in the file. Googling I found that most all posts would give an example of writing to a file and another to read from a file but nothing that illustrated how to insert text at a given location within the file.

While doing the research for this article I found that there is quite a bit of information on the net regarding this subject but one has to go to various places to get the whole picture so in this article I am attempting to gather all that information and offer it in one place, here! All examples are compiled using Atmel Studio 6.0 SP2 and the ATMega1280, but with a little customization can be modified to work with any Atmel Microcontroller.

I started my career in the early 80s as a programmer and fondly remember the 8-bit processors of the day; the Z80, 6502 and the 8080. My first computer was the Commodore 64 and I remember what fun it was learning how the hardware worked and programming in assembly. (Never was much of a Basic person)
I'm currently working on an .NET Core 3 WPF application that uses ADO and I ran into a problem when using DataView's RowFilter to filter data. Because I was using the same table in several windows whenever I set the RowFilter in one View it would simulatneously filter the DataView in another window because I was using the same DataView.